Co-founder of The Echo Nest, he played a crucial role in contributing to Spotify's music recommendation engine, utilizing data analysis to provide personalized music suggestions to users.
Jun Wang
Renowned as a trailblazing innovator and founder of iCarbonX, he merged artificial intelligence with genomics to transform healthcare, offering personalized health advice through the analysis of extensive health data.
Thai Sade
As a visionary founder of BloomX, he revolutionized agriculture by utilizing data-driven solutions, developing artificial pollination techniques using AI and electromechanical devices.
Yann LeCun
Pioneering Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in machine learning, his breakthrough technology finds applications in image recognition, including facial recognition and medical image analysis.
Sebastian Thrun
Instrumental in the development of Google's self-driving car project (Waymo), he focused on data processing and analysis for autonomous vehicle navigation.
Bianca Migliori
Employing AI-powered tools FocA and ScaleFEx, she and her team study cell characteristics, accelerating cell image analysis and enabling the detection of subtle differences.
Michael Andrews
This physics graduate's pioneering use for machine learning was recognised by CERN, leading to significant advancements in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment - particularly in disentangling overlapping photon data.
UltiHash is the storage foundation to accelerate them.